Sunday, May 6, 2012

Does indoor plumbing, electricity and the internet connect us to the world, but disconnect us from reality? Is it through modern convenience that we are able to see clear, without being touched by the elements of weather, delirious from hunger. Drawn in a direction forced to make choices between life and death. Do we search for the same depth as our ancestors, or is ours superficial. Is there a need to put ourselves at odds with the modern world that is created by their searching. If we make nourishment in a lab, can we harness the energy from the sun and the energy from the moon to use if for our own purpose. Try and tame the weather, reassign the seasons. How far can things be bent out of shape.   Defined by a shape not by a purpose.  Finding what was never lost, in other words led astray.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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