me | |||||||||
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...for a moment |
I love to play with words and ideas.
I fall in love with ideas, words, and concepts.
I'm always trying to find the purest, simpliest form of my ideas.
Ideas start from an inspiration, and can be transformed into something beautiful.
One day I met a 97 year old woman that lived independently, and drove herself, in her own car, to church. She was a writer, we sat an talked about writing. I hadn't realized it, but I was so excited about a new idea I just blurted it out. I said it out of context to the conversation. I hadn't realized yet,that I did that all the time.
When I shared my idea with her, she stopped and said. "Oh I love the image that gave me." That day I saw the power of inspiration. The Bible talks about seeds that fall on fertile ground.
Little ideas....
My quotes:
People only have a sense of humor when they think something is funny.
What is the meaning of mean?
Don't shoot \o/ I'm a taxpayer.
Sugar is good medicine, look how well placebos work.
Politics is like playing hide and seek with the truth.
I find sometimes people know just enough to be dangerous, but not enough to be helpful.
Can you say Peace without a smile?
What I lack in common sense I make up for in reason.
I can't see very good when I'm looking.
Research is mightier than the sword.
Light can make the pious blush.
" begin with the taste of apple, to end with the taste of vinegar, to begin again..."
Maintaining the Vestiges.
Wisdom sleeps with lonely people
This site was created by me....I took all the pictures©....I wrote all the text©...This site is inspired and created to Honor and Thank God
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