Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A particular moment

Setting the record straight. I wonder if it is ever worth it to be honest amongst people who don't understand. Trying to clarify what is wrong doesn't mean it will make it right.  I want to be honest and truthful. I know that isn't how life works.  There are layers. Layers of understanding. Layers of interpretation. Layers of realization. Sometimes it is possible to see through the layers. Seeing isn't attaining. Being able to have a vision of something but not being able to reach it.  This has been my experience in my life.  I can see it but I just can't get to it.  Frustrating okay it's frustrating. Why have I been given an ability to see so clear but not given any other resources to utilize. 

Thieves and liars will continue to rule.
Thieves and liars will continue to win.

Thieves and liars will continue to shape a simplistic reality.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

Monday, October 30, 2017

How to know if your spiritual vision needs a corrective lens?

I'm not seeing clearly maybe I need a microscope or a telescope. Things are strange and new and different. Life is good. God is awesome.
It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Never was anything to begin with.  Whatever was necessary to put that agenda together.  Makes sense why you surrounded yourself with liars. Sell lies repaid with fame. That's all you wanted.  Cover your tracks ha what for? You're such an accomplished liar no one has any reason to question your validity.  Imaginary it's been imaginary. Unreal it's been not real. For what? For you alone.  My future is getting my brains bashed on to a cement slab and yours is pretending like you care. Oh yeah that's right I forgot you care. Yes I forgot.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Made of dirt

Discovery like an unearthing, getting dirt on an issue.  Now I have insight into a matter. What it means other than people are human?  Now I understand why I don't fit in.  I don't want to fit in.  I want to be where I'm meant to be.  Why I generally end up in scenarios feeling sidelined is a question of my life. Here I am again. Watching while others get their turn again and again. I tell myself okay this is great for them. I think I will just leave it at that because I can't rearrange the universe on my whims.  I can feel frustration and hope. The stuff greatness is built on. The foundation of solid matter. How to understand it's real. For me, a person easily led astray by fanciful thoughts, I need grounding. Restrictions can help to view reality.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

Monday, October 9, 2017

The future being created today by persons who aren't my friends. I feel the cold.
 The cold that can't be warmed by the sun. Nothing new in the familiar feeling.  The world I've known.  Ignored forgtten minimized.  Distance could have changed somethings.  Now I'm told I had it all and was too stupid to realize.  Convenient how when reimagining a past the simpleton again writes the details. There's a reason you don't know.
It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

Friday, October 6, 2017


The put on came to rest as a guy on a cell phone. Hardworking, stately, handsome. His beliefs clashed with the modern world. Hysterical women breed discipline. Caught within the confines of determination doing the right thing the right way. Life presents temptations. Giving choice to fantasy minimizes that object. A life unlived. If women are expected to maintain composer stamp down fanciful notions. Are men allowed to become sullen from inaction or take whatever they please? Is there a hierarchy in decision making. Does one choice made freely hinge on a million others. Is life to be lived at great distance from dreams. While the choice few make extremely poor plans.
It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96