Saturday, December 16, 2017


She had enough experience in life with how to escape unpleasant realities, but very limited experience with fulfilling deep meaningful relationships.  She would never give up the option to make a hasty retreat with regards to human interaction.  It was easy for her to believe when her mind filled in the details, not having to ever strive for more with people.  Those around her who thought they knew her only saw her tempestuous reactions to them.  She was easy to blame.  An outsider who had noticed the strange dynamic one day told her.  Why can't you see they are playing a game of tag and you are always it.  She was comfortable within herself and could be seen alone quite often.  She wasn't able to see her abilities as useful because they always caused problems.  She was made to feel like an oddball, an outcast.  She would embrace and welcome the title.  She found most people wouldn't go beyond the surface of any perception they had of her.  She learned to exploit the senses as a defense to allow her to move through the real world.  She felt invisible, inaudible, insignificant. 

She always heard of people happening upon good fortune.  Discovering their life mission.  Realizing their value by using their talent.  She wasn't supposed to be one of those people.  She figured God created people like cardboard cuts out or mannequins for the purpose of helping His chosen few.  Her lot in life was to be indistinguishable, so it never matter how things would turn out.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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