Sunday, November 26, 2017

12 and15 more to go

She was so nervous her hands were shaking.  She clasped her hands together trying to make the trembling less obvious it didn't work.  She rearraigned her bag in her lap. She looked for her phone anything she could in an attempt to not look like an absolute nervous wreck.  She wasn't able to study him. She wasn't able to see if he was catching glimpses of her.  She couldn't think.  She couldn't pretend. She couldn't think straight when he was around. She said stupid things her voice would crack or be off pitch. Her hands sweat and her skin felt flush.  What is this, she wondered. Such an intensity. Real feelings she never had to feel before. She never experienced this type of transforming love.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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