Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Old Bats

I live near two women. Two seperate people in different houses. Both have the same peculiar interest in feeling control over others.  They both monitor when I leave, or when people visit me.  One installed a camera that looks directly into my yard. She cut down a tree that blocked her view into my yard. She also trims tree branches in one area that gives her a view into my yard.  The other installed a wood fence to make it seem like she doesn't want to see in my yard. But the slats have enough gaps she can see through.  If I'm out in my yard talking on the phone, or with a visitor. She always happens to be in her yard mulling about.  One used to tell me she saw people visiting me, or she would comment that I left several times during the day. Once she mentioned something in my yard blocked her view to my porch. The other would say after you left someone was trying to open your gate.  It didn't start creeping me out right away, but it did hit me all of a sudden, their odd interest in such matters. One told me she wanted to be a witch so she could see everything.  I avoid them both now.  Neither person adds to the function of my life. They both require a strategic defense plan.  I don't think it is me personally they are interested in. I think they are each mentally defienct and it's how they conduct their lives.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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