Friday, June 5, 2020

Enter here

The gate made a distinct sound when it was carelessly opened. Most visitors approached in the same manner.  If timed the front door would open within a few minutes. It had become common enough it created an expectation.  There would have been plenty of reason for that cadence to be broken. No indications there was anything to be concerned about. The figure that entered when the door opened didn't immediately create fear. Trying to process what was standing there, the intial assumption it was human.  The moments slowed as the thoughts sped up.  Terror that doesn't seize and overwhelm the senses allows thoughts to process as normal. The high rate of decision making is effortless. Numerous thoughts and emotions processing simultaneously it is hard to comprehend how beautifully marvelous the human mind functions.  Continuing to govern bodily functions. Never formulating the question what am I looking at? Disbelief when seeing an apparition in that moment doesn't inspire awe. Trying to convince oneself this isn't real, this isn't happening. Definitely not human. If stepping through the threshold was its only goal, it should vanish at any moment. No sound was being created. Looking very much alive, in the same way a costume creates a character. The visual effect requests the mind to play along. Imposing thoughts, judgements, forcing the viewer to take part.  Forcing the viewer to make choices. To believe, or disbelieve. To enter  the fantastical. The invitation to step toward possibility, or remain in the realm where lies justify success.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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