Tuesday, August 4, 2020

to be understood as to...

Making a statement, the words float around some are grabbed out of the air and minced. Some are set on fire. Some get tossed back and explode. Some get dropped in boiling water until softened.  Some like a drop of poison cause serious consequences. Words that cause confusion. Do you think it is because of the intent of the speaker. Or is it because the listener is a miserable human looking to cause trouble? When The listener tries to clarify and is met with resistance and...
Again I tried to clarify the confusing words and actions. I was met with resistance and even the statement " well if you don't believe me". I finally said "okay I get it now, I'm not supposed to clarify things." I brought another topic and it was quickly turned into the same topic but featuring another person. The other person starts to decide whether it applies to them and the topic I began is taken from me given to someone else and ended within less then 45 seconds. I was asked directly at the beginning of this conversation if I had made contact to a third party, who had contacted me. The third party reached out for me to clarify a topic that would singularly benefit one person. Also I've been told repeatly by this person they don't want to be involved in any of my dealings. I've also been told that my course of actions to resolve a situation was foolish and I was deceived. Now consider this the reality created by one person who is used to believing their understanding is all encompassing. It is reinforced by a group of other (deep thinkers) who agree on everything within their known universe.  If I knock on their door of reality and try to introduce myself will I be welcomed? Will the door be slammed on me like an unwanted solicitor? Will again my topic be passed on to another and scattered in the cardinal directions? If I do nothing with this awareness is it because I have thoroughly detached myself from feelings? If intent will make sure the message remains intact, but I'm not a worthy messenger, is that moment wasted.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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