Wednesday, September 29, 2010

cheap strand of pearls

pony tails on a horse, and peanutless peanut butter, everything made complete nonsense, until it gets repeated by someone else, anyone else and people say wow that's cool. Then just like when the stars align, the time is right. Everything seems so vivid and clear. What they don't know can't hurt them. What they can't know is the most important. I laugh when I hear it's being guarded. Like anybody would do that willingly. Without a helium filled ego, to float upon the clouds, and pretend that human emotions effect them, and feelings creep up without warning. It's only an act for where ever the stage. For the audience of know-it-alls.
A cheap strand of pearls breaks. The pearls hop and roll away from the string unbound.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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