Saturday, December 16, 2017

All out of ideas he had picked apart her psyche enough over the past 6 months. It was turning into a sport for him. He needed to wise up or be fully confused by her existence. He was wanting to maintain his position. The level of frustration was mounting. Was he reading her wrong? Was he buying time? Was he thinking of wearing her down? She wasn't trained in purging nonsense. She couldn't absorb anymore. She went about her business. If he could treat her anyway he wanted he was making the rules. His actions toward her and the other women in the office seemed similar. He was working on each to their own need. He was going to play whatever role they needed him to.   He was going to use any insight gains to better his relationships, he didn't care if he subtly victimized any of these women.  She figured there wasn't anything genuine happening why not take out some aggressive energy on the jerk. Her sentiment was fractured like a broken bone. The bruising caused by burst blood vessels. The sprained arm from being twisted into submission. The fractured fingers...the traumas the memories forgotten and replaced with nothing but anger and rage. Enough fuel to destroy any good intentions. She couldn't go on with this untreated wound. She wasn't interested in injuring anyone. She wasn't wanting anyone to get close enough to see her pain.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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