Saturday, December 2, 2017

come again? I meant over and over.

The quarterly manager meeting discussed a reigning in on expenses.  A notice stapled to each paycheck required a signature.  To accept their paycheck the employees had to sign the agreement, no unauthorized overtime allowed.  One of the office girls said.  "No overtime, looks like I'm going to need to work some bend over time to make up the difference".  She figured the financial stress on her male co-workers would make it easy to entice them.  Another girl said "Hey we should ask for Braless Friday.  So we can help her out.  We'll call it charity work".  "Oh yeah I have the cutest top my tits look great in.  Shit maybe I can write it off on my taxes it was expensive". "Your tits were expensive maybe you can write them off too since you need them to make the blouse look good."  "Ha I'm gonna give my taxman a hard on with that call".  "I use Turbo Tax the chat bot would block me from the site for an inquiry like that".

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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