Wednesday, February 28, 2018


He made himself impossible to talk to.  She knew there was no point in asking so she didn't.  He shot down any opportunity she tried to talk to him.  She couldn't wait any longer she made the call to her reliable friend.  "Hey can you pick me up"?  He over heard the phone conversation.  He positioned himself out of view and glared at her.  He started a meaningless conversation with the cashier.  Talked like they were old friends.  She walked outside to the dark sidewalk and waited.  He deepened his contacts with the company gals.  Which seemed to be his intent all along.  Piquing their interest would give him an advantage in the long run.  He didn't realize the count down had begun and soon the game board would change.  What he thought was a moral high ground would soon become indistinguishable when overlaid with other plains of existence.  She knew from the dream world the playful bear would get hungry.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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