Thursday, January 25, 2018

Honestly I don't know

Hi my name is misery.  Yes we've already met.  I saw you walk in and I was avoiding you. The last time I saw you.  It was that game of charades we were playing. I broke the rule and spoke.  Too soon? No it wasn't too soon.  I confessed my sins. It was your clue. Your turn to guess.  I got bored waiting.  My honesty not hardly but I did tell the truth.  If it was just me, sure that was interesting.  The thing is it wasn't just you.  I like how it can become, I mean what it could have become.  If it was meant to be completed.  I don't think that's what it was about.  Misery no one likes you.  That's why you can be so bold because you never notice. 

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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