Tuesday, January 30, 2018


What is intimacy.  My first marriage ended when I was given a choice between obedience to my husband or obedience to God.  I chose obedience to God.  I had to dance with devil.  He was there waiting as I walked out the door.  I moved to this odd little town in the desert and began a new life.  Being alone and single was an important part of my journey.  A turning point happened when I lost a key.  It was a security item and I got into big trouble. (15 years later I find out the person who stole the key was finally fired for stealing other items, 25 years later my name has never been cleared).  The key incident set me on a weird heady path.  I was forced to experience a living nightmare.  It led me to a single moment.  I had a vision of Christ.  I was instantly transformed.  At baptism a seed is planted.  My intimate relationship with Christ deepened.  The growth of my faith.  No my life didn't immediately improve.  In fact it got worse.  Until an ex recommended me for a job and that is where I met my current husband (who I had a vision of during the disturbing time in my life) .  A month later I'm pregnant.

Here and now today I'm watching people posture and pretend to have insight in how best to approach life and solve issues.  Blatantly lying, to convince an audience. God works in mysterious ways.  I look for truth as the rare element it is.
Many words, and imagery but truth is not there.

Matthew 10:14 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

14 Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet.

It's not what you think it's what you believe.  Patricia '96

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